Nitro Cold BRew

Soviel mehr als kalterKaffee

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Brewed for
the senses!

Creamy soft. Naturally sweet. Deliciously refreshing.
Nitro Cold Brew coffee to fuel your day.


What is Nitro Cold Brew coffee?

With cold brew, the ground coffee is extracted in cold water for several hours and then filtered out again.
We then add nitrogen to the finished cold brew coffee to give it its creamy, sweet and refreshing taste.
So kurz die Zutatenliste:


Gemahlener Kaffee

So vielseitig im Geschmack!

Hier frisch eingeschenkt,
direkt aus der Dose!
Über mehrere Stunden in kaltem Wasser extrahierter Kaffee, welcher anschließend gefiltert und über Nacht mit Stickstoff (Nitro)angereichert wird. Die allgemeinen Vorteile von Cold Brew im Vergleichzu herkömmlich heiß gebrühtem Kaffee:

Simply pour
and experience
the pure pleasure!

With a hint
of milk.

or mix it the way you like it!

Also ideal for your long drink!

Our Nitro Cold Brew coffee
explained in brief!


Nitro (sticksotff) gives the Cold Brew its creamy texture and show crown, as well as sweetening the Cold Brew to naturally white.

What are the benefits
of Nitro Cold Brew?

Cold Brew is especially suitable for people with a very acid-sensitive stomach, as up to 70% less bitter substances are dissolved from the coffee through the cold brew process.

Especially athletes who do their first training on an empty stomach use cold brew as a natural booster to maximise their performance. The increased caffeine content not only has an invigorating effect on the body, but also increases mental performance.

Because our original black is sugar-free, the caffeine builds slowly and prevents you from falling into a performance slump.


Selected beans from sustainable cultivation. The coffee producer from costa rica stores 3,800t more CO2 in the soil each year through active cultivation than is released to grow, harvest and finish shipping the beans. Since the cold brew method does not require any heat sources for extraction, it also saves a large amount of energy.

Natürlich erfrischend,erfrischend natürlich“

Our mission

Coffee has always been the most natural way for us to get an energy boost when we were running out of breath. However, we could never drink coffee without milk and/or sugar because of the bitter taste.

We wanted to change that!

We started researching the world of coffee. During our research, we came across Nitro Cold Brew coffee. The advantages of cold crew in combination with Nitro (nitrogen) convinced us immediately and the idea for COFFRIGO was born!

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